Hello everyone, welcome back to another week on my blog! This week I will be talking about Critical Race Theory, which is something that we have recently discussed in class. If I am being honest I am still breaking down the full theory I read in order to understand it, but I still would like to talk about what I have gotten out of the reading.
So, the main point that I want to talk about is how the critical race theory states that race is a social construction. When I read this, it immediately made me think. Where did the grouping of race come from, who created it and why do we use it. Until I read that the world operates on a tier system in which race is a factor to create those tiers, which then determines the type of treatment each group receives. I never questioned the concept of race until the discussion that we had in class over this theory. I also wanted to mention interest convergence, where it is essentially saying that unless something done for another race has a benefit for the one that is seen as "superior", it will not be done. A lot of points in critical race theory need to be broken down in order to be understood, which is what I am still doing currently. Because if I am being honest, it is not something you can fully understand off of one read. But, from one read you can understand that the theory talks about how white people are seen as the face of not just America but the standard in other countries as well for features, which provides a power boost in which some may feel superior compared to the other races. Other races know what it is like to not have as much representation and share common experiences within the area which gives them something to form a collective voice with and educate the people who do not live life seeing through that viewpoint.
This marks the end of my blog post for this week, I hope everyone has an amazing week and enjoy the weather outside, it's a great time to just sit outside and enjoy the breeze of the air while the sun beams on your skin! I will be linking a video below to critical race theory for you to watch if interested.