Hello everyone! Today is the last day of my Spring semester along with my last day of class, so this will be the last post on my blog. This has been a very fun thing to keep up with as I have never missed a beat, and also because I enjoy things like this where I can share my thoughts along with what I have learned in this course. Now, lets get into my course reflection.
Throughout my time in this course I have read a variety of texts. I would have to say that the one that sparked my interest the most would have to be "How I Got Over" by Daniel and Smitherman. My favorite video clip from this semester was "A Love Letter" to Haiti by Passport Heavy. Both of these forms of media taught and showed me something new, such as me visually seeing that Haiti is on it's own island that is shared with the Dominican Republic yet are not doing as well as the other side. How I Got Over taught me about the forms of communication that carried over such as call and response, which I use a fair amount of the time with either my friends or when I am watching the church service with my mom. I also got to learn more about my stance as someone from the South. I learned why the foods in Texas that I eat are popular as well as where they originated from. We fry fish at my house almost weekly and we love a good barbecue over the summer. It was very nice to learn a bit about myself and how my ancestors got to Texas. Overall, this class has been very important to me in terms of learning more about myself as a Black girl, and has made me want to figure out exactly where my roots are from. I want to know what African country my family is from, and I want to know where my last name could have come from. This class has encouraged me to do further research on myself and at the age of 19 I think this is the perfect time to begin with the knowledge that I have obtained from this course. In this class, I have been pushed to think at a level I normally am not pushed to reach, and from that practice I gained the ability to question everything beyond just what I see in front of me. This is a course that I feel everyone at an HBCU should have access to, it is very important and that's coming from a Biology major. If I could, I would definitely take this course again, as I had so much fun and I recommend it to everyone that I know.
This marks the end of my final blog post. I have had such a great time documenting this experience and will definitely miss it. I am so proud of myself for finishing out this semester as well as my very first year of college. I learned so much from my first year and being a Morgan student, I would not change anything about my first year because of how happy I am with my growth from this course of things. I hope everyone has a great summer, enjoying the weather by the pool because I know I will! Signing out from Thee Kyaspora, Akyra.